Saturday, January 16, 2010


So today I woke up feeling pretty blue and that perhaps (just perhaps!) I was not queen of the world. I never really put much faith in the telly, but are powers that be at work today I think - Bridget Jones' Diary is on. YAHOO! No matter how bad you feel, you can't possible not laugh along with Bridget Jones.

On to better things, I've been so interested in the mathematical knitting that "Woolly Thoughts" ( are doing that I've even been googling fractals and all sorts of mathy things. Been A LONG time since I've actively thought about math!

I seem to be getting on quite well with my first resolution (to start a blog) perhaps I should start on the rest. Don't suppose anyone would be reading this that lives nearby that could teach me how to use my new sewing machine?? Or spin wool?? Or dye wool?? Or teach me to wolf whistle?? Oh and the list goes on and on!

Mostly my hope/plan for this year is to improve my self confidence and really to try to go for things I want. Mostly I would like to go back to school - art school, ultimately. But in between there will be lots of work to get my portfolio up to scratch. So that's my main plan for this year - learning lots of new types of crafts - YAY!! That will definitely be hard work and lots and lots and lots of fun.

So, blue as I might feel just now - look out (crafting) world - here I come!!


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